أحمد عمر

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How I lost weight 45kg or 100 pounds while coping with an invisible chronic illness

Written by Ahmad Omar

October 7, 2021

I’m going to talk about my weight loss journey at that time when I created this video I was not ready to share and be open about my struggle with invisible illness (Lyme disease) and then I started developing an autoimmune condition. when I started I was 115 kilograms and what happened was I was ill I was like uh yeah chronically like ill I had a chronic illness that was very hard actually to diagnose I had chronic fatigue I had arthritis symptoms I had pain in my joints my back was killing me I was very weak and tired all day and despite that of course, I had some psychological problems as well when it comes to depression and anxiety and of course, my weight loss journey started with an emotional breakup after my divorce and what I wanted to do I was like okay so now I am getting ill and I’m not feeling good emotionally because of my divorce and I am struggling, what should I do? okay first I need actually to start cutting my weight because my weight wasn’t helping me I was very heavy I can’t run I can’t do any activities so what I want to discuss with you about this weight loss journey. it’s the discipline and the commitment when I decided to do this thing which is weight loss…

I tried to learn like a new sport which was kickboxing uh when I was a kid I loved taekwondo so I was like really into martial arts when I was a kid but for some life reasons I, unfortunately, I didn’t complete that and I didn’t proceed with that thing so I had that like somewhere like back in my head in my sub the conscious mind and I was like okay so let me try to go back and start training again so I started building myself again I started doing kickboxing and I loved it, it just clicked in my mind I was like okay this thing this is for me you know and I loved it so much more than just trying to go and push weights at the gym to try to cut the weight.

So I started to do running I started running more jogging and I started cutting weight when it comes to the diet um in my journey I started first with lowering carbs like everybody else right so I started to cut my carbs and after that, it didn’t work out well for me because of the health problems that I had it was really bad so that has played um a huge role when it comes to my diet because um I struggled with my stomach as well I had some IBS symptoms uh constipation my stomach was hurting very slow digestive issues like it was like really bad so when I decided to to do this I started learning and understanding each diet out there and I tried to fit that into my lifestyle and into my health situation at that time right and that did help a lot because I tried different diets like the low carb diet high protein diet I tried the keto diet the key to that did benefit me when it comes to digestion I did feel some lowered inflammation because I struggled with inflammation with all of this journey.

Right so the inflammation has decreased and I started feeling a little bit better the aches were getting a little bit better um but at the same time when I start doing it more and more and the energy my energy levels wasn’t that good some people on keto they say like we had amazing energy and we feel good I actually when it comes to the mental clarity I did feel that 100 but for me, I did not get that um like the energy I wasn’t feeling um energetic actually with that diet like I know there’s something more I know like there is something missing uh when I was on keto but it did work for weight loss oh my god it works so good it was so good and I was actually cutting weight and cutting carrying weight but at the same time i was cutting very steady and slowly I didn’t want like to cut weight very fast or lose a lot of uh kilograms or pounds very fast because for me I was uh when i was doing the kickboxing uh it kickboxing demands so much energy and so much power and when you train when you spar and even I actually did go to some qualification matches uh and all of that and those do demands a lot of energy right so when your stomach is not working very well. If You have some health issues and that will be a big problem and you’re trying to cut and lose weight at the same time that can be very demanding for the body to handle.

So um for me I was started like adjusting all the time like adjust my diet right so after the keto when I start cutting the weight and I went uh almost I cut probably around like 30 kilos I hit maybe 80 kilograms around that so I was like okay now I’m going to try the high protein diet so I reverted to the high protein diet um and I started eating a little bit more proteins and a little a bit more fat and I lowered more carbs it’s also it was a little bit better I felt uh like I had more energy somehow especially on the runs I had a more long sustained the energy that’s what I want actually to say um so I loved it and for some reason, I tried actually to alter that as well so after me switching from keto to high protein low carbs I lost also more weight and I ended up around like 74-73 kg so all good I was like like yes I finally did it you know and I’m very happy about that you know losing weight can be something um very tough you know and uh you have actually to commit and have the determination about it, at the end of the day all you need is the right mindset.

i start saying to my self, I am 100% determined that I’m going to change my lifestyle because losing weight at the end of the day it’s about your lifestyle it’s not about actually going to the gym and pushing those weights and just you know eating something different uh absolutely not it’s about the actual lifestyle it’s about changing your whole life and it’s about not doing those bad habits you know and you’re going to lose a lot of things with that, of course, somebody wants to socialize and you want to eat outside you know drop a couple of drinks and you can’t do that anymore because this is not for you this is this doesn’t fit your lifestyle it’s very tough you know but determination discipline and goal setting it’s like when you put that goal in your mind and you won’t do that then you are going to learn at the same time when you go through this journey of learning exploring and just actually seeing what will happen it’s very exciting and when you start hitting your goals it’s like really nice you know like okay so this thing worked okay amazing what should I do next what’s next for me you know so.

After I reached my optimal goal, of course, my health got much better and I started gaining energy I start feeling a lot better mental clarity is back brain fog is gone you know those things start uh happening for me so I’m very grateful and I feel uh blessed about that uh if I want to do like a conclusion or like found to sum up this video at the end of the day weight loss think about your health think about your like wellness one of the things that I want to share with you about your diet is never settled with one type of diet your whole waiting loss journey try actually to change that so let’s say after three months if I wanted to do it differently right I will try to change my diet and more often what I was eating I like let’s say after three months and I try to experiment with how my body will respond how my system will respond to that that will be interesting because maybe I will get actual to that sweet spot and accelerate my weight loss so I will do that I will eat more veggies and some fruits I will not have that fruit fear I will drink more water I will start including more herbs actually into my diet and I will start choosing and using those amazing foods and superfoods that we have as medicine you know like uh turmerics like ginger you know like those things that are very beneficial when it comes to inflammation and joints like pain and all of that you know I will try to maybe use a little bit more of the superfoods like chia seeds and hemp seeds and all that do the activities that you like and that you are passionate about right so if you are somebody that likes to play football let’s see right, and you want to cut wait for some reason and you have like in your childhood memories that when you played football when you were a kid you liked it very much so that you know to go back I know if you are like maybe an overweight person right now or you can’t run or you start somewhere right even if you try to do like some stationery just for fun games like football here and there that would be good for you in the long run you know.

Because at the end of the day you have to do the activities that you like. In the long run not just you go you get gym a membership you start training for one week or two and then you just quit or maybe you are tired of it or you don’t have the motivation for it right so do more things that keep you moving activities you know when you move you walk you run all of that counts, in the long run, it will get you to your goal and one of the most important the thing that I’ve didn’t knew back then and I know now I will reduce my *good fats* intake oh my god I had eaten so much fat I was eating so many oils you guys you will not believe me you know I came from a culture where we are like um yeah very happy when it comes to using olive oil on salads and I was like using it over like everything and I was like yeah that’s a healthy fat well, of course, its healthy fats are good you know of course it comes even to avocados and all that if you are not on a keto diet then you need to monitor your fats right and understanding That fats even the good fats but they can be very harsh on your digestion and they can be very heavy on your liver.

And if Do you have any of the messed up things that I have been talking about at the beginning of this video when you are struggling with inflammation with some digestive issues and some things that like undiagnosed like back pain and joint pain and there is some uh thyroid issues and you like your system is struggling then um I will say to you that take care of your uh liver and not stiff it up with a lot of fats every day um so that’s why I also like I wanted to mention the thing between switching between diets I think very very important when it comes to a weight-loss journey, in my opinion, don’t rush towards that goal that’s what I want actually to say take it slowly go steady do some sports enjoy the ride and eat healthily and try to discover and understand more and just learn more about the different diets and try them try as much as you can don’t stick to one diet because maybe another diet will be better for you may be a friend do this diet and you do another diet and that that works better for you, we of course, we are all human beings we carry like flesh and blood and all that but our the microbiome is so much different I mean we are not the same somehow our stomachs and biology like works differently your health situation your gut it’s so much more than just like counting your calories and hitting the treadmil. for me, I chose to be on a whole plant-based diet or so-called Vegan diet because I gained some healing benefits from it in my case. and it has some other positive elements as well when it comes to the environment and to the animals. I stayed on the Vegan diet for almost 3 years now and I don’t think I will switch that any time soon. whatever diet you are going to try, make health is your nr 1 priority.

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